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Paul Monaco

Z- 2022 Paul Monaco Screening Room

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We are excited to announce that the MSU Commemorative Tribute Committee has approved a room to be named in Paul’s honor – but we need YOUR help to make this a reality. If we can raise the necessary funds, one of the key spaces in the SFP Visual Communications Building (VCB 182) will be officially named the Paul Monaco Screening Room! This tribute reflects Paul’s service and stature within the SFP program, as well as his longtime relationship with Montana PBS, which also utilizes the room. Paul screened countless student films there and was well known and loved by everyone who shared the space with him.

Donations are applied to...

100% of donations will be designated specifically for the SFP program and students.

Personal Message

MSU has approved a room naming in Paul’s honor–but we need YOUR help! Dr. Paul Monaco, former Department Head and Professor in the School of Film and Photography (SFP), held a tenure at MSU that spanned over 30 years. Paul was instrumental in the evolution of the MSU film program and had a lasting and deeply positive impact on hundreds of graduates, faculty and staff alike. Paul was not only a teacher and advisor, he was a career mentor, genuinely invested in the futures of his students. Paul holds a special place in our hearts. Paul was a formative influence for many of us, and our most valued anchor to MSU. In the spirit of loving respect for Paul and his legacy, please donate generously to help us bring his tribute to life.

Why are donations necessary?

This tribute is a privately funded effort. We are reaching out for donations from industry professionals who have maintained strong connections with SFP and those committed to supporting the growth and development of the SFP program.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!